2024Interview Strategies to Help You Shine: Prepare for 3 Critical Questions!
You have just been invited to an interview for a new position. You are excited as you anticipate the possibilities for a new opportunity. After the excitement wanes, a bit of anxiety sets in. What will they want to know? How can I put my best foot forward during the interview?
Here are 3 important strategies to help you through the process. These strategies are helpful for seasoned professionals, recent college grads, and well as college students. Brush up on your interviewing techniques now!
Question #! “Tell Me About Yourself.“ or “Walk Me Through Your Background.”
These two opening questions are pretty much the same and set the stage for how you will be evaluated during the interview process.
The question(s) is really asking: Tell me why I should hire you. In your response, give them 4 things: 1) What is your background that qualifies you for this position. 2) What are the skills that you possess to be successful in this position? 3) Why are you interested in this position?
4) And finally, give them an example of how you have used these skills in the past to be successful.
Keep your response brief (60 – 90 seconds), but impactful. Write your response down and practice it so that you are comfortable during the interview. Aim for a comfortable and conversational manner.
Question #2 What Do You Know About Our Company (Organization)?
It is expected that you know something about the company and can say something about its services, products, and corporate culture. It is okay to say something complimentary such as “You are recognized as a leader in environmental sustainability.” Here is a tidbit – use AI and learn a little more about their profits, new products and a deeper look into the company. You will impress the interviewers. If you can speak with someone in your LinkedIn network about the company that is even better.
Question #3 Tell About Your Proudest Accomplishment.
This is a time for you to shine. Think about the contributions you have made to your organization. How has your work impacted the organization via profits or enhancements of services? If you are a current college student, perhaps you can think about an organization you have been active in and how you have contributed to the betterment of the group. Remember to highlight the skills that you have used to accomplish a goal. Be sure to connect it with how you can bring this same skillset to their company or organization.
Be sure to check out upcoming strategies to help you “Shine During the Interview.” Good Luck! if you have questions, feel free to reach out to Chrystal Nova.