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Blog Post Education: Keys to Success in Today’s Marketplace

Education: Keys to Success in Today’s Marketplace



Education: Keys to Success in Today’s Marketplace

It’s September and that means it’s back to school for many people! It’s back to school for elementary school children, high school students, college students and a whole cadre of adult learners.

As a resume writer, career coach and educator, I cannot stress enough the importance of continuous education. One of the early messages I got from my parents was the importance of education. I want to stress that education that is directed towards career enhancement should be carefully researched and evaluated before spending thousands of dollars on empty promises of career advancement.


On the other hand, I have worked with clients who have not enhanced their skills over the years and feel trapped in their mid careers. As a resume writer, I clearly see the challenges to people’s careers.


So here are the take-a-ways for today.

  • Once a year, spend some time with yourself and develop a plan. Where do I want to be and what do I need to get there?
  • Determine what skills / knowledge you will add to your toolkit for that year. Even if your current employer will not fund the training, find a way to enhance your education during the year.
  • Are you involved in any trade or professional associations? If not, all segments of the work world have organizations. Conduct research and then join and get active. Professional associations will keep you on top of your game.
  • Consider hiring a resume writer or career coach such as Chrystal Nova. They can be a valuable asset because they want to be “your career partners.”
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