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Archive for Career Assessements’ Category

Mastering the Collaboration: Tips for Working with a Certified Professional Resume Writer



Mastering the Collaboration: Tips for Working with a Certified Professional Resume Writer

In today’s competitive job market, having a standout resume is crucial for catching the attention of employers and securing interviews. For many job seekers, working with a certified professional resume writer can be the key to crafting a compelling resume that effectively showcases their skills and experiences. However, collaborating with a resume writer requires effective communication, feedback, and collaboration to ensure the final product accurately…

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Interviewing During COVID Times: First Things First – Part 1

Interviewing can be nerve-wracking in normal times. If you haven’t interviewed for some time or are entering the job market for the first time, you’re likely nervous about the interview process – and interviewing in COVID times presents additional challenges! Here are 5 tips so you can do your best on a Zoom interview. After an initial phone or video screening interview you may be…

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The Virtual Interview: The New World of Interviewing

Have you ever had a virtual interview? It’s different from a live interview on Zoom or a similar video platform. It’s an interview in front of your computer or similar digital device in which you respond to questions that are pre-recorded. There may be a “robot” interviewer present, but no live person will be asking the questions. You will be given a time limit for…

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Interviewing in the Digital Age 03



Interviewing in the Digital Age 03

  Just when you think you’ve mastered the phone interview, another challenge is presented to you. You are asked to tape your interview on video platform. Yikes! A number of college students are being screened and evaluated for internships and entry-level jobs via AI (Artificial Intelligence). What exactly is AI and why are companies using it?   AI Interviewing is a nonhuman platform that acts…

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Preparing Your Child for Careers of the Future



Preparing Your Child for Careers of the Future

Dear Parents,     You are your child’s first mentor. You will need to teach them many things to be successful in the future. The requirements for the world of work are continuously shifting. How are you preparing them to meet these challenges?   In an article in the National Career Development Association Journal 2018, C. Lehman, a labor economist, reported that students must have…

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College Students Tell All: Lessons From Their Internships



College Students Tell All: Lessons From Their Internships

  It is no surprise to college students that internships are a critical and almost essential part of getting that first job after graduation. I reached out to three students who successfully completed internships to find out what lessons they learned, whether they enjoyed their internships and asked them for advise for students who plan to complete internships. Wondering what they had to say? You…

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Did You Know that April Is Internship Awareness Month!?



Did You Know that April Is Internship Awareness Month!?

Most savvy students know that getting an internship in your intended career field is critical. The internship experience can confirm that you are headed in the right direction. On the other hand, it might let you know that some of the day-to-day requirements of the job may not be for you. It is also an opportunity to engage with professionals in the field to further…

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World map



Careers in International Relations

It is very clear today that we live in a global society. What affects people in one country or a particular region of the world, affects us all in someway. As you consider careers, explore careers in International Relations. The fields of Public Diplomacy and Foreign Service need individuals with a variety of backgrounds. Public Diplomacy deals with governments communicating and influencing public attitudes. This…

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Education: Keys to Success in Today’s Marketplace



Education: Keys to Success in Today’s Marketplace

It’s September and that means it’s back to school for many people! It’s back to school for elementary school children, high school students, college students and a whole cadre of adult learners.

Two Job Search Success Stories



Two Job Search Success Stories

Let’s face it – looking for work in this competitive environment can be tough. It tugs at your ego and self-esteem and sometimes you wonder if that job offer will ever come through. Here are two stories that should inspire you!