2023What Every Job Seeker Should Know About Today’s Resumes
What is considered the perfect resume is constantly changing. What was considered a great resume five to ten years ago has dramatically changed. Perhaps you have a resume that has not been updated for some time and now you need to make a job change or seek new employment.
Here are 5 reasons to seek out the help of a professional resume writer.
• Do you know the difference between a CV and a resume and when to use both?
• Do you have a networking resume?
• Do you have the most appropriate format to apply to a position in the Federal Government?
• Do you know the critical Keywords for the position that you seek?
• Do you have and know how to best convey accomplishments on your resume?
If the answer to most of these is a “no or maybe,” it is time to consult a professional writer.
The best resumes are marketing tools to advertise the best of your skills and qualifications for a job. Resumes should not simply recount everything you have done during your career. Does your resume emphasis where you are going and not simply where you have been? Make sure that your resume is not an obituary!
Resume writing can be complicated, time consuming, and confusing.
Chrystal Nova is here for you. We take the stress and guess work out of developing your resume. Let Chrystal Nova help. We want to be your resume writer and career partner. Contact us today! chrystal@chrystalnova.com.